SvelteKit vs Remix for SaaS

Comparing Remix and SvelteKit for building SaaS applications, with key reasons to choose Remix for your next project.

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While both frameworks are relatively new, compared to Next.js, Remix is built on React Router, has been around for 10 years, making it one of the most battle-tested React libraries out there. For the past few years, the team behind both Remix and React Router have ensured nothing that makes its way into Remix without first being implemented in React Router. Recently, the team decided to merge both projects into one, React Router v7. All of this is to say that Remix is built on a solid foundation that has been around for a long time.

SvelteKit, while innovative, is building its foundation from scratch which means that common patterns and best practises are still somewhat developing, potentially causing headaches when building business-critical SaaS applications.

Ecosystem advantage

The most compelling reason to choose Remix over SvelteKit for your SaaS is simple: you inherit the entire React ecosystem. While SvelteKit is an excellent framework, the React ecosystem's maturity means you're rarely the first person solving a particular problem. If you need a fancy date picker, dropzone, data table, even just or a component library, you'll most likely find several packages with years of production use in React. This ecosystem advantage becomes even more apparent when building SaaS applications as you often need specialized components like:

  • Stripe Elements components for handling payments
  • Complex multi-step forms for user onboarding
  • Data visualization libraries for analytics dashboards
  • Rich text editors for content management

Team scaling

Another big advantage of Remix over SvelteKit for SaaS applications is team scaling. React is the most popular Javascript framework which means there's a massive talent pool of developers, making it easier to hire and scale your team. The learning curve for new developers joining a Remix project is also much smaller, as they likely already know React and React Router.

With SvelteKit, while it is relatively simple to learn, you're somewhat limiting your hiring pool to developers who know or are willing to learn Svelte. This smaller developer community can make it challenging to find experienced developers, especially when you need to scale quickly.

Launchway is a boilerplate and starter kit for Remix that helps you get started with building your SaaS app. It comes out of the box with authentication, payments, database connection, email handling and more so you can focus on building your app, not the boilerplate code. If you're interested, check out one of the demo apps.